what is smudging, how to smudge, proverbial hearts wellness, proverbial hearts smudging

Let’s clear the air- literally and figuratively. I went to Brooklyn once and came back a full fledged hipster wannabe. And not that that’s a bad thing, because I felt the chill zen vibes all around me the second I stepped off the L train. But I mosied on back uptown needing to fully take in that culture and apply it to my life.

This brings me to my first topic on my path to what I have dubbed the zen life. Smudging. What the f*ck is smudging? Long story extra short, smudging is waving around a smoking bundle of herbs like ya just don’t care to clear all the negative energy out of your space. Literally clearing all of the ghosts from bumble’s past to create good energy mentally, physically and spiritually.

Now long story extra long.

Smudging is a 2,000 year old ancient art practice created by the shamans. In a ceremonial, act of cleansing and purification of the spirits they used dried sage plants on their fires as a ritual of calling upon ancestral spirits. The sage smoke absorbs any conflict, anger, illness or evil. The smoke from dried sage can actually change the ionic composition of the air and can reduce stress. That’s science for ya!

Why the hell would anyone want to smudge?

  • Increases your sense of well-being and improving mental focus. Described as a natural antidepressant so you don’t need to pop that Xanax.
  • Clears negative energy. The sense of smell strongly links to memory and instinct. Smudging is very effective for ghosting feeling of anger, fear, anxiety, grief and depression.
  • Let’s clear the air. In addition to unwanted bacteria, smudging can help clear the air of pollen, pet dander, dust, mold spores etc. to improve allergy symptoms. Does this mean I can skip a weekThThe wW of cleaning?!
  • Relaxing effects. Smudging can offer calming, relaxing effects that are known to help lower blood pressure, relieve stress and tension and normalize breathing rates.
  • Increased energy. Studies have found that the negative ions produced also help to normalize serotonin, in the brain, which can help boost one’s mood, improve focus and create a more positive outlook.
  • Improved sleep. An Italian study showed that negative ions can help improve sleep patterns, also have positive effects on regulating serotonin production.

What the f*ck to do:

  1. Pick your poison. White Sage, Juniper, Palo Santo- really the options are endless
  2. Have an exit strategy. Much like you set an exit strategy up with a girlfriend before a date you need an exit strategy before smudging. Before you light up, open a window or a door so the negative energy has a clear path to get the F out. Leave open for at least an hour after cleansing your space.
  3. Be prepared. mainly so you don’t have to call the fire department when you are lighting your bundle of sage of fire. Having the right bowl for your smudging tools are key. Traditionally an abalone shell is used to hold your sage while a feather is used to to fan and spread the smoke. That’s not my vibe, so I chose a marble plate made out of stone that can withstand the heat from the burning herbs. [buy here]
  4. What should I wear. the conversation every girl has with their best girlfriends before any event. When in doubt choose black. But Ritualistically speaking, shamans wore black when performing smudging rituals to remain invisible to the spirits and prevent anything from “sticking” to the spiritual practitioner. Psychologically speaking wearing black makes you look and feel like a badass when you’re telling all that negative energy to get the F out of your space.
  5. Light it up, Light it up.  Light the sage bundle by holding a flame at a 45 degree angle until it begins to smoke. If a true flame appears, shake the bundle gently or blow until it is just embers and smoke. If the sage bundle was packed too tight when made, the oxygen won’t be able to get in, and the sage won’t stay lit. Much like a clingy guy you’re dating, you will have to loosen it up to give the sage little breathing room.
  6. Walk it off, Walk it off. Once you got a good smoke, move clockwise around your space, starting at the front door. Gently wave the smoke into your air, focusing especially on the corners of each room, as they’re said to accumulate the most stagnant energy. The entire time, envision the smoke clearing negative energy, waving the smudge bundle up and down as the smoke fills the area. Don’t forget about closed spaces, like closets and cabinets. Literally act like you are finding proof that jerk cheated on you. Smudge EVERY last corner or your space leaving no corner or object unsmudged. In order for the smudging ceremony to be most effective, the smoke needs to cover every room, closet, door, vent, and window. The idea is to walk to each entrance, clearing every room so that you’re pushing all the negative energy out toward the front entrance.
  7. Say a Mantra. tell that energy whose boss. A mantra I recite is “I am moving toward my highest power. Negative energy that is not serving me may not stay.” If that’s not your jam, peruse through my wellness Pinterest board for something that speaks to you.
  8. The End. The best way to extinguish the smudge stick is by pressing the burning surface firmly against a fireproof surface. Do not use water to extinguish the hot embers, or good luck trying to light it up next time. Make sure every bit of fire and smoke has been put out. Unless your strategy is to have the local fire department in your space within the hour. Store it in your bowl for the next time and use it as a decorative piece on your coffee table.

When the f*ck to do it:

  • If you’re feeling gloomy or surrounded by negative energy
  • When you move into a new living space
  • Before and after a guest enters your home
  • Before and after a meditation, yoga or healing session
  • After an argument or any illness
  • Upon returning home from crowded situations