Chelsea Deakin of Proverbial Hearts wearing Asos floral jumpsuit

I have been living in NYC for almost two months now. Transitioning into a new city, with a new job and not knowing many people can be tough. I am sharing 3 life lessons I have learned in the short time since living in this dream city.

  1. The power of saying yes to new opportunities is key. Before I moved I was very content going to work, coming home, going to yoga and repeating that routine 5 days a week. Having plans on the weekends gave me anxiety, I hate having to live by set plans. At the same time, I am not good with spontaneous plans. By living this way I was missing out on so many great opportunities. Moving to NYC I came with an open mind and goal of saying yes to everything that came my way. Little did I know how many amazing opportunities and things were going on in the city all day everyday. Being brand new in a city, it is critical to try and do as much as you can in order to meet people and get to know the new city you’re in. While my first two months has been somewhat exhausting (sometimes I go to bed at 7:30pm) I am still with the mindset of saying yes to everything that interests me.
  2. Learn to not react to anything. This was a huge lesson I learned within the first week of being here. NYC can be a stressful place to most. The hustle and bustle, intense power walkers, public transportation, what you see and hear on the streets and everything in between can be a lot for a person to handle. Moral of the story, you can’t react to any of it. Everything and I mean everything in that regard is out of your control. Subways will have delays, and you cannot control what anyone else on the planet does so there is no point in wasting your energy on any of that. Oddly enough I have been the most stress free and relaxed person since moving here and I absolutely love everything about it.
  3. Making new friends is harder than I thought. I came across a meme that read ‘making friends as an adult is tough, because once you’re an adult you hate everyone.’ This may or may not be true. Kidding aside it is very hard to make friends that have the same interests as you that will turn into a long lasting friendship. Going out friends are easy to find, but friends that you can explore with, trust and have meaningful conversations with and just hangout with are few and far between. Some tips for myself and you if you’re ever in this predicament. Take classes, join clubs and do not be afraid to reach out to people who share similar interests. Be friendly, kind, and not afraid to start a conversation because it may or may not lead to a great friendship. If all else fails you can always try Bumble BFF. I may or may not be trying that as well ; ).

Chelsea Deakin of Proverbial Hearts wearing Asos floral jumpsuit Chelsea Deakin of Proverbial Hearts wearing Asos floral jumpsuit Chelsea Deakin of Proverbial Hearts wearing Asos floral jumpsuit Chelsea Deakin of Proverbial Hearts wearing Asos floral jumpsuit Chelsea Deakin of Proverbial Hearts wearing Asos floral jumpsuit Chelsea Deakin of Proverbial Hearts wearing Asos floral jumpsuit Chelsea Deakin of Proverbial Hearts wearing Asos floral jumpsuit Chelsea Deakin of Proverbial Hearts wearing Asos floral jumpsuit